There is something so deeply satisfying and emotional about holding your own published book in your hands for the first time. I was lucky enough to experience that for the second time this week, when Random House sent me an advance copy of my second book, The heart of the home.
I rang Mick and he came home from work before I opened the parcel, and we looked through it together. I am thrilled to pieces. This book has over 100 more of my most favourite recipes, including ones that have been inspired by our little trips and also by my friends and family.
It contains a fair bit more of my own family history, photos and stories and memories, in the hope that readers will pull their own family albums out of the cupboard and remember all the great things with their families. The dedication in particular means the world to me and I hope this book is a fitting tribute.
Anyone who’s had any kind of contact with me would know that I believe food to be central to all our days, all our celebrations and gatherings and rituals. The recipes in my second book have been gathered from many sources close to my heart.
It’s released in October. I don’t like to wish time away, but I am so excited for that day to come around so that I can share my book with you.
Dear Julie,
I’m an italian friend who recently saw Masterchef Australia 2009. I became your fans for the sweetness, modesty and seriousness that you have always shown. I’m going to buy your first book and I’m happy to make you my congratulations on the recent winning at ABIA. My best wishes for happiness and a good life, Monica
Thanks Monica, what a lovely message. I am visiting Italy later in the year with my family, we are all so excited!
If you need any advice or help for your trip, make me very happy if I can help!
Hi, I just wanted to say a big thanks for your cook book our family table, I love the recipes, and the stories behind them are great. I look forward to the next book. I am also very excited as I just cooked my first perfect omlette from your recipes. It is the first omlette that hasn’t become scrambled eggs…..thanks for your energy and sharing it is much appreciated
Thanks so much for your lovely message Katherine. I am really thrilled that you like the book!
Your first book is used quite often in my house mostly by me but also my son has referred to it for inspiration in his yr 11 food tech class at Wyong High. We have also filled the back pages with pics of my Nan and her recipes as well as other family recipes. I am the only family member from a huge family that still makes her angel cupcakes and just love to close my eyes and go back to nans house when I was a child. I believe that food creates allot of memories and I see that in all your recipes. We cant wait for your next book and will hopefully get to come along and say hi and get both books signed. Coasties rock and you are proof of this. From my family to yours good luck and best wishes.
Hi Karen, I’d love to meet you when the next book comes out. My nephew and nieces attend Wyong High. I am really glad that you’re using the back pages and making the book your own. Tell your son to say hi to his food tech class for me.
Hi Julie
Wow, a second book, so exciting!
Myself & my housemate love your first book & I cherish the fact I was able to meet you and have my book signed by you at McHappy Day last year! You are such a genuinely lovely person, and my food ideals of bringing people you care for & love closer together with cooking is something I got from my mum & often had a tear in my eye when I heard you speak of the same passion.
I’ll look forward to your next book with excitement of trying some new recipes. So happy to hear you are continuing with your success & I wish you much more of it!
PS: Great to not be limited to a short “tweet! 🙂
Thanks Marty. Hope to see you when the next book comes out!