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Slow Roasted Pork Belly

By November 1, 2021March 24th, 2022Pork, Recipes, Roasts
Slow Roasted Pork Belly - a Julie Goodwin recipe

Serves 4

Prep + cook time | 3.5 hours

Roasted Pork Belly | You may need to ask your butcher for this cut. Pork belly is most commonly sold as “pork rashers”, which are narrow strips of belly, and usually have the bone in. This recipe requires a whole piece of belly with the bones removed.


• 1.5 kilo piece of pork belly, bones removed
• salt
• olive oil


1. Make sure the skin is very dry. If required, leave it uncovered in the fridge for 24 hours before cooking.

2. Using a Stanley knife or a Mickey knife, score the rind. Cut into the fat but not into the flesh. I like to score the rind about ½ – 1cm wide. Make sure the belly has no stray bristles on it. Rub the rind with a little olive oil and massage salt thoroughly into it.

3. Preheat the oven to 220°C.

4. Place in the oven on a rack in a roasting pan, for 30 minutes or until the skin begins to puff up and look crisp.

5. Turn the oven down to 140°C and continue to roast uncovered for a further 2½ hours. Remove from the oven and rest well before serving.

Note: Colcannon Mash is an old Irish favourite that goes especially well with pork Colcannon Mash recipe

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