Cake & Dessert Recipes

DessertsRecipesWhite Chocolate and Raspberry Muffins
March 28, 2022

White Chocolate and Raspberry Muffins

Serves 6 Prep time | 5 minutes Cooking time | 35 minutes White Chocolate and Raspberry Muffins | This is a very indulgent recipe, absolutely delicious, dense and moist. What I would call…
christmas cakeCakesChristmasRecipesGrandma’s Christmas Cake
March 25, 2022

Grandma’s Christmas Cake

Serves 12 Prep time | 20 minutes Cooking time | 2 hours 20 minutes
Apricot sour cream cakeCakesRecipesApricot Sour Cream Cake
March 25, 2022

Apricot Sour Cream Cake

Serves 10 Prep time | 10 minutes Cooking time | 40 minutes • Apricot Sour Cream Cake | I like to make this in a bundt tin as it looks so pretty. If you cook…
Melting MomentsCakesDessertsRecipesMelting Moments
March 14, 2022

Melting Moments

Makes about 24 Prep time | 15 minutes Cooking time | 15 minutes • Melting Moments | the biscuits will still be soft when they come out of the oven, leave them to cool for…
DessertsNo-bake Raspberry Cheesecake
March 14, 2022

No-bake Raspberry Cheesecake

No-Bake Raspberry Cheesecake Serves 12 Prep time = 30 mins Cooking time = 6 hours chilling time No-Bake Raspberry Cheesecake | A delicious, simple and fresh dessert that your family will love.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 Ingredients 1…
Lemon Diva Cupcakes | a Julie Goodwin recipeCakesDessertsRecipesLemon Diva Cupcakes
March 10, 2022

Lemon Diva Cupcakes

Makes 12 Prep & cooking time | 20 minutes Ingredients • 100 g unsalted butter, softened • 3⁄4 cup (165 g) caster sugar • ½ tsp vanilla extract • 2 eggs • 11⁄3…

More Recipes

Pea and Ham SoupRecipesSoupsPea & Ham Soup
February 9, 2022

Pea & Ham Soup

Makes about 3 litres Prep time | 15 minutes Cooking time | 3 hours My all-time go-to winter warmer is pea and ham soup. Even though it’s a soup, this is filling enough to be…
February 8, 2022


Makes 8 large pieces Prep time | 15 minutes + 30 minutes resting Cooking time | 1-2 minutes per piece This bread is soft and pliable, perfect for wraps, but with a lovely crispy edge. I love it…
Baba Ghanouj Eggplant DipDipsRecipesBaba Ghanouj Eggplant Dip
January 11, 2022

Baba Ghanouj Eggplant Dip

Makes 2 cups Prep time | 10 minutes plus cooling Cooking time | 5 minutes
Roast Beetroot DipDipsRecipesRoast Beetroot Dip
November 22, 2021

Roast Beetroot Dip

Serves 4 Prep time | 10 minutes Cooking time | 45 minutes
Roast Pumpkin SoupSoupsVegetablesRoast Pumpkin Soup
November 12, 2021

Roast Pumpkin Soup

 Makes about 2 litres Prep time | 10 minutes Cooking time | 35 minutes • Pumpkin soup comes in many guises – with curries, spices, loads of different flavours and vegetable. And most of…
November 8, 2021


Makes 2-3 cups Prep time | 15 minutes + 30 minutes resting Cooking time | 5 minutes + draining time